ft Avatar Sro | Cap 130 | D15 | Coin System | New Features | Fair Play | Special Items | Max Plus | Battle Arena | CTF | Daily Events | Job War System | Lucky Party | Holy Water Temple | New Trade Route | Black Devil Suit | Ranking Job | Upgrade System | Daily Reward System | Auto Title System | Fortress War Reward | Hero System | Facebook System | Wanted System | Special Switcher Scroll | Special Glow | God Bless Scroll | Daily Quest ~ Private Sro

Silkroad Private Servers

Avatar Sro | Cap 130 | D15 | Coin System | New Features | Fair Play | Special Items | Max Plus | Battle Arena | CTF | Daily Events | Job War System | Lucky Party | Holy Water Temple | New Trade Route | Black Devil Suit | Ranking Job | Upgrade System | Daily Reward System | Auto Title System | Fortress War Reward | Hero System | Facebook System | Wanted System | Special Switcher Scroll | Special Glow | God Bless Scroll | Daily Quest

First of all, thanks for giving this Thread a chance by clicking on it
Have you always been searching for a reliable server with a active customer support and owner? Then you're on the right place!
Welcome to Avatar, where nothing is impossible! 1st server pvp & uniques in silkroad section make coins drop from mobs


About AvatarSro?
in fact we online since 2013 but we wasn't have full time to care about server cuez we was have more than server online,but we decided to Re-update our server with new system and fair game play.
Our Vision in AvatarSro that we must give every one chance to be strong by hes worke so we decided to give our lovely player all items coins drop from mobs/uniques/etc,,so all u need just farm and collect your coins to get special items/etc..

In this thread there will be various "spoiler" buttons, these contains further information regarding the subject. So feel free to click them to read a bit further into a topic.

Re-update Date is in 1/9/2017
Well,about our system its dependent on AVA/JOB coins and Gold u can buy any items in server by AVA/JOB coins and Gold

We Don't Have Donate Items Or Advanced All Items Free For All Degree 15 Max Plus 24 Advanced Stats 100% Full Blue
Section Starting

Starting Off
When you create your character you'll automatically be level 130, and you start off with 50 reverse scrolls, 10 Drugs of Typoon, 1B Gold, and 100K Silk.https://i.epvpimg.com/fIPugab.png
Starting Area
After finish your character creation and login, you'll login in start area you will find npc named "Items D14". Once you enter that NPC, you'll find 4 tabs of items, Grap Pets, Attack Pets, D14/Set, and ACC/Wep All +0 stats 100% FB.
Section Drop Coins
Where can I get AVA Coins?
u can farm all day just spend more time into game to get what u want w/o donate,there are multiple places and things you can get AVA coins from.; -Boting in Colosseum Containing mobs level 130 with hp less than 100k each mobs drop 1 AVA coins u can boting any number of account no limited.
-Drop unique start from 10~250 AVA coin.
-In Each reverse point in map appeared unique drop AVA coins.
-Daily appeared Normal uniques every 5 min.
-Event Pvp slayer mode Reward 50 AVA coin to winner player.
-Hide&Seek: Reward 50 AVA coin for.
-Event Unique Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Event Survival Reward 50 AVA coin to winner Event.
-Unique Rank 3K/2K/1K: Reward for 1st 3 player in rank: Every Month.
-Trivia: Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Search&Destroy: Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Kill The Gm: Reward 15 AVA coin for each round/ 3 round.
-Daily Quest: 300 AVA coin.
-Lucky Party Number: Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Event FTW 200 AVA coin for each member every Sunday/Wednesday/Friday (FTW JG only).
-job war system Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Job system 50 AVA coin for each 2 trade 5*.
-CTF 1 AVA coins for each kill.
-Arena team/job/random 100 AVA coins for winner team/50 AVA coins for loser team.
-Holy Water Cave 5 uniques drop 250 AVA coins in 2 times.
-Job Cave 4 uniques drop 100 AVA coins.
-Normal Uniques 5 AVA coin(each Unique).
-Most online player Reward 50 AVA coin.
-Daily System Login Reward random between 1~500 AVA coin.
-after collect AVA coin u can buy special items,, honor/premium 30%/scrolls/bufs/etc.
-Rank Unique Update Every day At 00:00 Be Ready ALL

how to Teleport to Colosseum area, Teleport from jangan to survival than Teleport to Colosseum area:-
Section Job Coin and Gold
Where can I get Job Coin and Gold?
Well,after all please read about New Trade road (Route).
we edit new and fair system game play for this system by puting (JC) JOB COIN in shop each one for 2B Gold.
all u need just collect gold from job as trader/thief and buy Job coin from shop and buy special items like:-
after collect JOB coins u can buy items like special skills/devil fame/hammer ftw.
and here the price list by Gold.
Price List
Items                      Price
Devil Fame       300T Gold
VIP Skills          300T Gold
JOB Skills         300T Gold
WIND Skills     300T Gold
Passive Skills    300T Gold
we don't forget to edit scrolls to give gold 100/200/300T gold.
Section Job
New Trade road (Route)
We closed all the trade Roads, and we added one trade route to make some epic combat for thieves, traders and hunters, in the other hand, the route has a variety of roads that makes it challenging for the thieves to steal.
reward for 1 trade 5* by Route scroll 70B Gold,for thief Robar 1 trade 5* reward scroll 70B Gold
after delivery your Second trade u must re-log your char to received your Gold.
increased hp trade pet to 500k,increased speed trade pet to 70%.
 https://i.epvpimg.com/uVaLeab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/6Rmmfab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/Nl6eeab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/udJ8aab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/Cgrcaab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/P0Ddgab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/x94Bdab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/mY3eaab.png? New Job Suit Skills;
New Job Suit Skills Level has been edit for all Jobs!
 ? Job Level;
Job level has been incresed to level 130!
? Ranking Daily Job;
Every day update top job player!
New Job Cos
We have three different types of job COS, so how do you obtain them?
COS            METHOD      Speed   SLOTS
Elephant       item mall      70%    159
Dark Lizard     FTW shop    60%    88
Behemoth    FTW shop      60%    117
Upgrade System
Once u buying your items wear it than send Message to your character name with upgrade than use any return scroll it will upgrade to D15 +18 stats 100% FB.
 Daily Reward System
Daily Reward for active player every day AVA coins. will send auto to your storage.
and u will receive auto MSG include u got reward into your storage. https://i.epvpimg.com/cHURc.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/5PUic.png
top 3 job auto title System
this system depend on top player in job rank give him title.https://i.epvpimg.com/NveQd.png
 Fortress Reward System
Every Sunday/Wednesday/Friday after FTW end. system will send to each player on winner guild 200 AVA coin will sent into your storage,and the guild master will got special title name.

top 3 rich player auto title System
this system depend on top rich player have much gold.
 Most online player Daily System
this system depend on top online player every day with reward.
Hero System
hero system running with scroll title increased your defense when open zerk,also your name will noticed in OFF/ON.
"Permanent Buffs" System
Permanent Buffs for Chinese only,every time u login or use any return scroll u don't need to Re-buf cuez the Permanent Buffs will make your Buf for u,
"FaceBook" System.
FaceBook like system,send like.dislike.comment in MSG to any character u wanna to vote for him,most player got like will get special title.
Fortress War System
Fortress War takes place every Sunday/Wednesday/Friday, every week. There is 4 fortress's available, those being Jangan, Bandit, Hotan, and Constantinople fortress's.
Wanted System;
When you kill 10 people of the opposite job, you receive level 1 Wanted Status = 1% Increase of everything, and each 10 kills, is 1 Wanted level up to Wanted level 5. Above is an image of Level 5 Wanted Status. (Note: You only get Avatar donation coins, if you kill the player DURING the Job War Event, if it is not during the Event, you will not the Avatar Donation coins but you will receive the wanted status.
New Tile System
send msg to title inbox include the title name u want.u will tp direct with the title u chosen.
Section NPC's
"Special Avatar" NPC.
All the items from this NPC can only be bought by Avatar Donations coins,https://i.epvpimg.com/D7Cfe.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/IRoyd.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/IGUIc.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/PVsufab.png
"New Black Avatar" NPC.
Everything from this NPC can only be purchased with AVA coins.https://i.epvpimg.com/oSNRfab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/ifntf.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/KqIFe.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/UyCeeab.png"Special Items" NPC.
All the items from this NPC can only be bought by coins,
https://i.epvpimg.com/YqoKgab.png"Special Potion" NPC.
All the Special potion from this NPC like MP,HP XX-Large and vigor 30% and 40%,https://i.epvpimg.com/7zuhcab.png
"New Avatar Thief" NPC.
The items from "Male" & "Female" tabs can only be purchased by AVA coins.
"New Special Wings" NPC.
The items from "Male" & "Female" tabs can only be purchased by AVA coins.
Donation Attack Pets and Grab Pets
The "G Pet" Stands for Grab pets, the grab pets in this NPC can only be purchased by 100 Avatar Donation coins. The "A Pet" Stands for Attack pets, the attack pets in this NPC can only be purchased by Avatar Donation coins. The attack pets also have a faster speed then normal player speed, and they can cause debuff to your opponent.also u can buy scrolls for pet attack for more dubf by AVA coin each scroll.u have 3 kind of them.
NPC Effect
Section Scrolls
"NPC Scrolls.
In this NPC 4 tabs for Scrolls Mastery/Special Scrolls/Job Suit Skills.https://i.epvpimg.com/dN5xcab.png? Special Switcher scroll;
You'll know if ones using an Special Switcher scroll hes weapon or shield will be looks like D11.
https://i.epvpimg.com/6IONaab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/0c1abab.png? Special Glow Star scroll;
You'll know if ones using an Special Glow scroll hes weapon or shield will change your Glow to Star.
? Special Glow Circle scroll;
You'll know if ones using an Special Glow scroll hes weapon or shield will change your Glow to Circle.
? Special Glow Mixed scroll;
You'll know if ones using an Special Glow Mixed scroll hes weapon or shield will change your Glow&Effect to 8 different colors.
? Special Effect scroll;
You'll know if ones using an Special Effect scroll hes weapon or shield will change your Effect to 8 different colors.
New Nick Name Scrolls
Once use one of this 10 scrolls u gone take special nick name beside your character name.
Section Items
New Premium 20% and angle bless
1st server edit Premium 20% and angle bless in F10 by silk for Free.https://i.epvpimg.com/FGuneab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/jonPdab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/8zq2eab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/bUR2dab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/x3Kaaab.png 
New AVA Items;
? God Bless Scroll;
If you see the red wings on ones character, that means they've activated an God Bless Scroll.
? 30% Premium;
You'll know if ones using an 30% premium if you see that flashing "Avatar" logo on top of their heads.
? Special Devil;
You'll know if ones using an Special Devil if you see that new effect and new skills.
Each one of this skill have different use .like speed/attack/parry/mag/phy.
https://i.epvpimg.com/ZPg5b.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/D9XVb.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/UZ8Udab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/K5lee.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/R5Q0d.pngEffect for donate weapons
All of our Degree 15 +24 weapons have this seal,and glow.https://i.epvpimg.com/bXbEgab.png
Effect for normal weapons
All of our Degree 15 +18 weapons have this seal,and glow.
Max Stack
Most items max stack.
Quest Section
Daily Quest
What's the purpose of Quest if it's out of competition? The system that we added isn't a particular neither an authentic one, we can't say that we invented it, but we had to add it to make it worthy to have a of competition between all players, you have to rush into getting the Hunt Mobs " ONG " to collect Job coin that we have prepared for you, your story has just begun and you can actually shape the type of champion you want to be,that quest we edit to give support to each player to own Job Coin.
all u need just accept quest from npc area,than go hunt mobs ONG,its able to do 3 time per day,
each time u must hunt 1500 ONG and reward for each time 50 Job Coin coin,so u can own every day 150 AVA coins by this quest,increased mobs ONG in SK area.https://i.epvpimg.com/xFzzbab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/edMWcab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/mXhsgab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/fQKOcab.png
Section Events
? Hide & Seek Event (H&S)-3 Round;
The Hide and Seek event is self exploratory, At first, they supply one hint in 5 random town for everyone to go off, to find the GM. After a certain amount of time, they will notify everyone of their location. Once someone finds the GM and exchanges him/her, it will be notified; Winner of the event is rewarded with 50 Avatar donation coins.https://i.epvpimg.com/MUmzh.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/7xDQd.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/1dMUe.png
? Trivia Event;-1 Round
The Trivia Event is a Question and Answer kind's thing. Once the GM asks the question, your able to either PM AvatarSroBoT with your answer, or you can global your answer;
If you happen to answer the question correctly, you win the event! The winner of this event is rewarded 50 Avatar donation coins for each round.
? Search and Destroy Event-1 Round;
A soon as this event triggers, it will tell you to find the "Adjutant Honghaea" at a mysterious location. I guess you could look at it as a Monster hide & seek event. You search for the Monster in 3 random town, and you kill it. Winner of the event is rewarded with 50 Avatar donation coins.
? Kill the GM Event-3 Round;
After this notifies, you may go outside Jangan South or DW south, and cape in a blue cape, and kill the GM NPC that appears with a blue cape on. Winner of the event is rewarded with 15 Avatar donation coins for each round , followed by your name notified throughout the server.
Lucky Party Number Event (L.P.N.);
This is an Event we like to call, the Lucky Party Number Event. The system notifies everyone of the Event, you aim for the desired number, then you keep making parties until you get that number which was assigned. The winner of the event is rewarded with 50 Avatar donation coins.
? Auto Event Unique;
Auto Event takes place everyday, anyone can attend it. Whoever kills the most unique, wins the Auto Unique Event. The winner gets 50 Avatar donation coins, as well as getting a Unique Slaying title!
? Auto Event Pvp Slayer Mode;
Auto Event takes place everyday, anyone can attend it. Whoever kills the most Players, wins the Auto Event Pvp Slayer Mode. The winner gets 50 Avatar donation coins, as well as getting a Event Pvp Slayer Mode title!
? Last Man Standing Event (Survival);
This Last Man Standing event recalls maximum of 60 players into it's area once the event starts and takes place. In order to register for this event, PM "register" to AvatarSroBoT, in game, and then it should send you a PM like this;
In order to do register from the Last Man Standing Survival Event, send "out" to AvatarSroBoT, in game, and below shows that;
After the system notifies the game that the L.M.S. event will start in [X] minutes, you have 5 minutes to register in order to take place in the event.
Whomever register's will be recalled into an arena and then the event will start, there is no rules inside, you can party with other team-mates, you can use zerk, angel / devil spirits, scrolls, etc. Whoever doesn't make it and however Dies in the event, get's spawned back to town and cannot return to the area until the next time. However, the last player that stands in the arena killing everyone, wins the event and should get the PM below from "Survival". The winner of this event is rewarded with 50 Avatar donation coins, and the title shown below;
Section Area
New Area's
If you approach this NPC that's almost in the center of Jangan, it's named "Jangan" (The NPC itself) and it looks like the photo above. After you've selected the teleport NPC, quite a few options will pop up. As you see highlighted, the Petra and Survival zones. After you teleport to one, it'll teleport you to Petra / Survival zone where there's an NPC, click the NPC an follows that, is a list of teleport zones. https://i.epvpimg.com/eltYfab.jpg
Baghdad town Full Edit
Petra Full Edit

Survival Full Edit

Section Skills
? New Skills CH;
New Skills Level 140 has been edit for all builds!https://i.epvpimg.com/D920bab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/Ag3odab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/k172fab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/geeGdab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/u9aPcab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/cbu8gab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/jOkwbab.png? New Skills EU;
New Skills Level 140 has been edit for all builds!
https://i.epvpimg.com/WqjNfab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/wB3Tdab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/QCY2eab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/x0A2cab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/QV4Gbab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/f6ieaab.png ? VIP Skills;
https://i.epvpimg.com/OYH4eab.jpg ? Achievement Skills;
https://i.epvpimg.com/zA1ceab.pnghttps://i.epvpimg.com/4ZrEcab.png ? Job Skills;
? Passive Skills;
? Emojin Skills;
https://i.epvpimg.com/4AF5eab.jpg ? Wind Skills;
Closed some skills
·Removed Bard Tambour's and Dancing's ; Removed some buff's warrior·
·Removed Effect Buff from Reverse Immolation·
Server Staff Team / Crew;
___AVATAR___ - Server Game Master, Developer, and Owner.
" ___AVATAR___: If you have any problems or issues, or need to ask a question or two, please message me on skype @avatarfire1,we doing our best to give all of our players the best game-play as possible."

~The Avatar Team

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